CATEGORIES: Coursework PP Positions & Practice Week 1 PP

I want to hang a sign here saying “OUT of ORDER”! I have a very nasty cold virus.

I’m thankful for the WhatsApp group for the encouragement, useful advise & the feeling that you’re not all alone out there!

I’m struggling with WordPress, & am feeling the pressure to still publish week 1 tasks. I now fully appreciate Jesse’s comment that it is good to be ready to start from the ‘freshers’ week, coming to terms with canvas & setting everything up takes more time than I was expecting. A late start but I made a plan that didn’t include being sick so my catch up plan is threatened,  I’m in a mild panic but replanning next week – I need to be caught up before the F2F weekend in Falmouth.

My reflection this week is about how to keep on top of the coursework, it should be about my practice – next week…